What is Life?

Life is a journey, to live a path that leads us to the purposes of our life in nature.

Living a Path is referred to as the Dharma, the religion, the duty, the reason, the goal (Lakshya). And, in this journey, we “make choice” also referred to as “creating an anchor”. The perceptions behind our anchors drive our actions.

  • Values are the anchors which define our communication with the inner-self.
  • Culture is an anchor that defines our communication with the people around us. Thus, an enlightened country has a common constitution and uniform laws.
  • Goals are the anchors which act as the binding force in the communication. Thus, a team is formed with common goals.
  • Lifestyle is an anchor that binds us to a culture, values and goals.

However, Knowledge is the best anchor.

When we identify ourselves with anchors, we call it “Ego”. While people may choose to define their identities based on their anchors, others may define their anchors based on their identities. Whoever chooses to set their anchors based on their identities, chooses Samarpan until they have hopes in the journey; they choose to leave the journey without owning the responsibility for their actions, and putting others in guilt.

Samarpan is referred to as “Sacrificing Out Of Love”. In Samarpan, the anchors we leave are the Sacrifices and the anchors we create are the Love.

What is Desire?

Desires define the actions, not the people. People are neither trustworthy nor doubtful, even not the priority. Priorities are in the actions.

An action, accepted or rejected, is limited to a situation and, which is never permanent. The perception that drive the action is referred to as Anchor. An individual is not defined by an action. People process their emotions, take their own time in meeting the responsibilities of their own actions, and focus on the present and future possibilities.

Loving something or sacrificing anything out of any of the emotions on the Consequences, including fear of something, is neither Love nor Sacrifice. Samarpan (Sacrificing Out Of Love) is a conscious action for Self-growth with the Spirit of Co-existence – in the process the anchors You leave are the Sacrifices and the anchors You create are the Love.

What is Conflict?

People laugh in their own way. Different people have different definitions of Fun-filled Activities. Fun-filled Activities of introverts may be considered boring to extroverts, and vice-versa.

Different people have different perceptions including:

  • Gender
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Appearance
  • Skin Color
  • Religion
  • Caste
  • Race
  • Region
  • Language
  • Food

However, all these perceptions are perceptions of the world.

Conflict is the cloudy element of Nature; unrealistic expectations cause dissatisfaction and disillusion. It’s a conflict between “Struggle for Existence” of culture, values, goals and lifestyle, and “Spirit of Co-existence”. Emotions are disillusion, temporary in nature.

In the journey and, at the destination, never put yourself or others in guilt. Guilt never enlightens individuals, the lesson learnt does. “A” shall even build guilt in itself if “B” without “A’s” consent and willingness, thinks or acts on eliminating “A’s” barriers to opportunity. “B” shall inform “A” about the opportunities and allow “A” to rethink and act by itself.

When people share their concerns, it’s neither about ignoring nor fixing those issues; it’s more about listening to the story of their journey, and focusing on the present and future possibilities in “Self-growth with the Spirit of Co-existence”.

What is Abuse?

Abuse is an act of unconsciousness. When we experience conflict, and people abusing, be sure they are clouded by Kali Demon & Durukti Demoness. Abusers, in general, don’t even acknowledge and, we often change the choices in our life. Be patient! Stay calm until negative energies fade away. Don’t let the negative energies cloud us. If we can’t handle our emotions properly, the situation is going to put trauma (strong disillusion) in us and disillusion in others. Let the disillusion move on – the quicker it moves, the quicker it moves for ALL.

Conscious peopleUnconscious people
Conscious people love living with their own words, actions and consequences.Unconscious people love playing with others’ words, actions and consequences.
Conscious people believe in God.Unconscious people believe: “I am God.”

Abuse may include:

  • Gaining powers over others (by mentally, physically and financially controlling others)
  • Demanding attitude
  • Ghosting
  • Showing less or no affection
  • Giving bad treatments
  • Showing tantrums
  • Teasing
  • Punishing attitude

Always remember we are guided by Kalki Dev & Padmavati Devi, for deeper understanding and acceptance; sharing interest and values and, supporting growth and wellbeing. Whoever believes the resources we have are enough in serving the possibilities in “Self-growth with the Spirit of Co-existence”, celebrate Life together. We wish others would also find their ‘better’ place.

Why do people abuse?

People abuse either for putting others in confusion or hurt. Abusers may disrespect people’s existence and play with their values, for building a feeling of guilt in them. Abusers love getting away with abusing others.

How do people abuse?
  1. Abusers calculate – do a SWOT Analyse on target’s beliefs
  2. Abusers play with target’s values (for making them seek for building more feelings of guilt in them – however, if they accept the abuse in fear of losing the abuser, abuser will lose interest in the game)
How to Create Anchors?

Be vulnerable – challenge your own desires – keep asking “Why” to yourself alone and, digging the reasons behind your purpose.

Development is a continuous process

We all have Time (though limited), Knowledge (though limited) and Materialistic Resources (though limited) to resolve conflict.

  • Let go of unrealistic desires that hinder from achieving the Goal; sacrifice those irrelevant anchors.
  • Grow with real desires – relevant anchors. (1) Allow others to have their valuable voice, make their own decisions, and learn and grow. Actively listen to their thoughts and experiences without judgment. Be vulnerable to those who want to listen to your purpose. And, seek to understand the world’s perceptions with civil discourse. (2) Focus on personal accountability, and allow yourself to learn and grow. Support journeys which involve Self-growth with the Spirit of Co-existence.

Redefine Your Personal Accountabilities

  • Consider and encourage others to consider different thoughts as different perspectives of the world.
  • Practice and encourage others to address concerns or differences directly with the person involved rather than engaging about them behind their back.
  • Shift negative talks such as blaming, shaming, comparison, rumours, etc. towards more positive and constructive topics – focus on their strengths and accomplishments and, highlight positive aspects of people’s lives and achievements.
  • See if there are any valid points that can help you grow and develop as an individual.
How to Let Go?

Stop overthinking about your irrelevant anchors and others’ anchors – emptying your mind, for filling with real desires – for going and growing with your real desires and, sharing the experience with others. “Letting Go” is a philosophical approach, a process of surrendering the irrelevant anchors, and welcoming the relevant anchors. It requires self-respect, emotional intelligence and inner strength.

  1. “Letting Go” is a choice. Give yourself the permission to feel and accept. Decide when to Let Go and, create an affirmation.
  2. Practice over time and, attain resilience.
  3. Notice the positive side of Letting Go and, display empathy.
  4. Foster relationships and, invest on mental health, physical health and personal appearance.
  5. Use Your breath as an anchor (Breathing Cycle: Inhale – Pause – Exhale – Pause)
    • Identify 5 things you can see in each breathing cycle
    • Identify 4 things you can hear in each breathing cycle
    • Identify 3 things you can touch in each breathing cycle
    • Identify 2 things you can smell in each breathing cycle
    • Identify 1 things you can taste in each breathing cycle
What is Purpose?

Purpose of Life in Nature

When we are born, our parents pass on the ownership of the energies of our ancestors. Our purpose is to uphold these energies.

What is Energy?

The energies of our ancestors reside in three areas:

  • Action organs, constituting the Gunas, which are influenced by Vishnu Dev & Laxmi Devi. These are the “resources”, collectively define the outflowing energies – (1) Vak-tattva (organs of speech for voice), (2) Pani-tattva (hands for grasping), (3) Pada-tattva (feet for walking), (4) Payu-tattva (anus for excretion), and (5) Upastha-tattva (genitals for procreation).
  • Sense organs, constituting the Gunas, which are influenced by Brahma Dev-Saraswati Devi. These are the “knowledge” that collectively define the inflowing energies – (1) Chakshurendriya (eyes), (2) Shravenendriya (ears), (3) Ghranendriya (nose), (4) Rasanendriya (tongue), and (5) Sparshanendriya (skin).
  • Memories, constituting the Gunas, which are influenced by MahaDev-Parvati Devi. These are the “MahaKaal” (times) which uphold the resources and knowledge.

These areas – five karmendriyas, five gyanendriyas and one antaḥkaraṇa – symbolise Ekadashi.

We have certain energy centres called Chakras in the body which whirl in some direction as water whirls in a river. The major Chakras include:

  1. Mooladhara (Root Chakra)
  2. Swadisthan (Sacral Chakra / Tailbone)
  3. Manipuraka (Solar Plexus Chakra / Navel)
  4. Anahata (Heart Chakra)
  5. Vishuddhi (Throat Chakra)
  6. Ajna (Third-eye Chakra)
  7. Sahasrara (Crown Chakra)

These are neither in the mind nor in the body; they are in the cosmic. However, our antaḥkaraṇa travels through these Chakras. When this operation takes place consciously, it is called Yoga. And, when done unconsciously, it is called Influence.

The Moon influences our thoughts in its orbital relative movement when it waxes or wanes, with reference to other planets. The energies change in Purnima and Amavasya. Purnima is the bright fortnight (Full Moon in Shukla Paksha). It refers to the presence of light. It is nurturing. Thus, seeking well-being in Purnima is sacred. During Purnima, our energies reside in the Ajna Chakra. Amavasya is the dark fortnight (New Moon in Krishna Paksha). It refers to the absence of light. It is transforming. Thus, seeking liberation in Amavasya is sacred. During Amavasya, our energies reside in the Anahata Chakra. Amavasya is a day when one can become easily aware of, ‘What is me and what is not me,’ and from there on, the journey from untruth to truth begins. One day before Amavasya is known as Shivarathri.

The Ekadasi day in both fortnights is the occasion when the antaḥkaraṇa finds itself in its place. Our perception towards resources, knowledge and times, though limited, transform with their transformations. Thus, both overthinking (arguing within, self) and arguing with others about the “differences to conflicts” are illusions – distractions from our purposes in nature.

If You wish to manage your actions, You need to begin managing your thoughts. With righteous thoughts, you shall find your hopes powerful, in either earning or learning. Always keep the focus; it’s an oscillating mind that shall show illusions, including the intent behind different and conflicting anchors; keep nurturing your anchors, and redirect your intent to your purpose.

What is Basics?

Tanmatras are the basics of all elements – earth, water, fire, air and sky.

Rajsik combines and re-combines the five tanmatras to form the karmendriyas (action organs). Sattvic combines and re-combines the five tanmatras to form the gyanendriyas (sense organs). Karmendriyas and Gyanendriyas form Panchendriyas.

Tamsik combines and re-combines the five tanmatras to form the Antaḥkaraṇa. Antaḥ means ‘inner’ and karaṇa means ‘mechanism’. Antaḥkaraṇa has four categories – Buddhi, Manas, Ahankara and Chitta. When we explore Antaḥkaraṇa, Antaḥkaraṇa may develop the six enemies of the mind:

  1. Lobha (greed)
  2. Kama (lust)
  3. Moha (delusion)
  4. Mada (pride)
  5. Krodha (anger)
  6. Mātsarya (jealousy)
What is "Healthy"?

“Healthy” defines action organs, sense organs and memories found their respective places, enabling them to uphold individual energy.

How to nurture "Healthy" energies?

Followings are practiced for nurturing healthy energies and, are most ignored while experiencing unconsciousness:

  • Meditating
  • Exercising outdoor under early morning Sunrays
  • Maintaining Physical Appearance (haircuting, shaving, using perfume, clothings and accessories)
  • Cooking & Eating Food (begining with a breakfast and never skipping lunch and dinner)
  • Drinking Plenty of Water
  • Nurturing Social Connections (joining in an activity for others to grow or watering plants, listening to others’ thoughts and experiences or a music, reading others’ body language or a book)
  • Developing new Skillsets
  • Seeing a Doctor in Physical Healthcare and Mental Healthcare for preventive care
  • Sleeping Adequately (without the use of any technology)
How to Create Memories?

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (The World Is One Family) – supporting journeys which involve Self-growth with the Spirit of Co-existence.

  • Buy groceries or food
  • Trip to the home of a distressed person
    • Have food along with all members of the family
    • Listen to their stories (success and struggles)
  • Shift negative talks towards positive and constructive topics
    • Encourage people in considering different thoughts as different perceptions of the world (a perception is just one of the perceptions of the world)
    • Ask them to address the differences directly with the people involved
    • Discuss and share a solution
    • Allow people to make their own decisions and, learn and grow
  • Pray for their healthy mind and body (we all have limited time, knowledge and materialistic resources)
  • Get a groupie with the family
  • Write a blog on your experience, their struggles and success stories
Why "Spirit of Co-existence"?

“Differences” and “Conflicts” are natural. People may nurture different and conflicting anchors. People, irrespective of their gender, religion, or caste shall not take it personally. People fail to address “Differences” and “Conflicts” due to unnecessary and irrelevant societal interferences. The root of all mismanagements in upholding action organs, sense organs and memories lies in the first step – sharing our thoughts of “Differences” and “Conflicts” with Society, to cater for our egos.

An individual may nurture anchors for exchanging energies with people who either do not carry reciprocating energies or, have different and conflicting anchors of reciprocating energies. Individuals may be suffering for nurturing the 6-enemies of mind. These are rooted in their past experiences, trauma and unhealthy coping mechanisms. We shall help them overcome the 6-enemies of mind. People need to put their minds in place before nurturing anchors in exchanging energies with others; making sure both uphold energies healthy for each other’s action organs, sense organs and memories.

Before connecting with people, ask yourself:

  • Have they voluntarily permitted me with their full understanding of my choices?
  • Are our choices made with trustworthiness – honesty, reliability, and integrity – which are healthy of each other’s action organs, sense organs and memories?

Find a companion where both uphold energies healthy for each other’s action organs, sense organs and memories. Healthy companionships involve supportive individuals who share common values and interests, fostering understanding and empathy, and nurturing positive growth. Building healthy connections requires effort from all – it is built on trust, communication and mutual respect; neither involve abuses nor manipulations.

Everyone’s choices are respectful, including their choices in love, marriage, sex and child. Both women and men may love, marry, enjoy sex and have children with peoples of their choices. However, women and men shall nurture self-respect and shall stay around and allow only those who are healthy for each other’s action organs, sense organs and memories. Both women and men shall remain calm – enter, and either stay with a role which is healthy for each other’s action organs, sense organs and memories or, leave the role. Both women and men shall respect each other – allow others to choose to follow their choices, stay with their choices, or leave their choices. Both women and men shall take ownership of individual anchors and uphold responsibility in sharing energies healthy for each other’s action organs, sense organs and memories. The role comes as an opportunity to explore individuals and learn the energies healthy for each other’s action organs, sense organs and memories.

Every woman plays her role perfectly with any person including men whom she finds hope, security and recognition for access to her choices including in creating a new family. Every man plays his role perfectly with any person including women whom he finds nurturing for his family, and who is neither abusive nor manipulative. The family including parents, siblings, spouse and children of both woman and man shall have equal access to their resources, knowledge and times.

What is Self-growth?

Life is ALL about exploring opportunities and celebrating Life with people who respect us when we (1) express our emotions (having no fear of vulnerability), (2) communicate or seek support, (3) do our duties and, (4) address and fix our issues, irrespective of where we are – public or private sphere.

‘Right Thought’ is having healthy thoughts in mind – “Self-growth with the Spirit of Co-existence”. The “Spirit of Co-existence” is having NIL negative intentions about others – thoughts in mind, actions through the body, for their consequences. It is not about managing the consequences; it’s about having healthy thoughts in mind and actions through the body, consequences shall follow accordingly.

We may experience negative energies, even while maintaining social contract:

Security And Stability for Family

  • Communicate about financial decisions, contribute to stable income, and manage household finances for food, clothing, housing and healthcare
  • Create a comfortable living environment by cooking, and cleaning house and clothes

Caring and Understanding of Family

  • Foster love and support
  • Provide care to children, elderly and the sick
  • Protect from physical and mental abuse
  • Involve and consider their needs and desires in the decision-making processes
  • Comfort, encourage and motivate in challenging times


  • Share experiences and create meaningful memories together for shared interests, hobbies and social activities
  • Help them pursue their interests
  • Encourage them to meet their personal and career aspirations
  • Boost their self-esteem by celebrating their personal and professional accomplishments and milestones
  • Participant in social events together and help them to expand their social circle

Professional Communication

The Goal of Professional Communication is practicing communication with respect and professionalism (considering for self and others’ comfort levels and boundaries).

  • Professional contacts are valuable for networking or seeking references in the future. The communication may fade with time. Conflicts or disagreements can strain the communication. Focus on moving forward positively. Stay in touch periodically to exchange industry news, job opportunities or, to collaborate on projects.
  • Avoid engaging in social activities, outside work, with colleagues (engage in social activities with family, relatives and friends.)
Why shall we NEVER fight beyond our own mind?

Every generation shall witness war in some part of the World – differences and conflicts of choices, and access to the choices both spark war. It begins from the mind. One shall fight only with the six enemies of the mind:

  1. Lobha (greed)
  2. Kama (lust)
  3. Moha (delusion)
  4. Mada (pride)
  5. Krodha (anger)
  6. Mātsarya (jealousy)

These are from the Kul (dynasty) of Demon Kali & Demoness Durukti in Kaliyug. Duryodhana of Mahabharat incarnated as Demon Kali in Kaliyug.

Mahabharata enlightens,

  • Kaurava participated in the Dharma-yuddha at Kurukshetra, and the Kaurava Kul perished.
  • Pandava participated in the Dharma-yuddha at Kurukshetra, and the Pandava Kul perished – only with the grace of Krishna Dev, Uttarā Devi, the wife of Abhimanyū and daughter-in-law of Arjuna Dev & Subhadra Devi gave birth to the child Parikshit who was reborn in the womb of Uttarā Devi after being destroyed by Brahmashirā, used by Aswathama Dev. And, thus Krishna Dev cursed Aswathama Dev.
  • Krishna Dev participated in the Dharma-yuddha at Kurukshetra, and the Yadav Kul perished for the curse of Gandhari, the mother of Duryodhana.

When Krishna Dev could not sustain from the curses of war beyond mind, how can we even think of winning wars beyond mind.

How to Cure Ego?
  1. Respect is earned, not given
  2. Remain in your own character (people may manipulate character but respect the character)
  3. Don’t wait for communication (get pre-appointments or go for new opportunities)
  4. Communicate to people emphatically, not emotionally – ask them
    1. Is, All Right?
    2. Why do my words or actions make you mad?
    3. Why do my words or actions make you feel inferior?
    4. Why do my words or actions make you feel – you are silenced or powerless?
  5. Make them understand the Spirit of Co-existence – say them
    1. Your words or actions are inappropriate. We are both expected to grow and, respectful to others – it’s not only about your or my existence, it’s about our co-existence.
What are the Spiritual Opportunities?

Opportunities You may wish to practice…

Fasting refers to eating the right kind of food.

  1. Ekadasi (the mind finds itself in its place)
    • Seeking well-being or,
    • Seeking liberation
  2. Purnima (in Third-eye Chakra)
    • Seeking well-being (upholding energies healthy for each other’s action organs, sense organs and memories)
  3. Shivarathri (a day before Amavasya)
    • Sacrifice the six enemies of the mind – Lobha (greed), Kama (lust), Moha (delusion), Mada (pride), Krodha (anger) and Mātsarya (jealousy) and uphold energies healthy for each other’s action organs, sense organs and memories
  4. Amavasya (in Heart Chakra)
    • Seeking liberation (Thinking “What is me”, “What is not me”)

Why only empower women, why not share enlightenment with men too - the world will be a better place

The world promotes women to have autonomy over emotions, sex, and money for them and all men around. It is because of historical inequalities – women may offer for less, and it is not a fair trade. Such thoughts come because the world is focused on fair trade but fails to understand that every trade is individual and has nothing to do with other trades. Thus, it is wise for men to not share their critical emotions, because if the world knows, world shall choose to manipulate, and feed their emotions, even at the cost of your critical emotions.

Be vulnerable — Consciously share those emotions that you feel are weakening you, and you need external support to overcome such emotions, not those which are critical to you – grow together. No one knows how to handle your critical emotions better than you – grow yourself.

Share your resources — People may ask for, include that in the list, with genuine intention, without affecting other priorities, and share your priorities so that they can have the opportunity to develop patience. Developing patience is their journey, but you may need to accept their failure; they may be unable to manage their patience. It’s what you choose by including their needs in your priorities.

Respect their autonomy in sexual wellbeing — If those concerned, are enjoying, those not involved have no thoughts in it. If the partner intimates outside the relationship, then certainly, you are not in the union anymore. You need to rethink whether you are comfortable staying around such person or people and revisit your priorities.

The world is not competent enough to manage your well-being, you are yourself competent enough for your wellbeing.

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